XPark: Taking care of parking business

"I feel just like a car-park attendant." Sounds familiar?
With XPark's parking system, this belongs to the past!
We can take care of all your parking problems and make your car park ready for the future.

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XPark is more than just parking:

Hospitality and exploitation

XPark is more than just a parking management system. We unlock your car park in a user-friendly way for the right users at the right time. In one word: hospitality. We always treat the main users hospitably, like company employees or residents of an apartment building, as well as their guests.

In addition, we can responsibly accommodate users who have reserved a (paid) spot, as well as those who choose to pay on site. Which brings us to exploitation. At XPark we say: "We are able to transform empty parking spaces into full wallets." We can offer excess capacity for the benefit of the parking market, without causing a negative effect on the primary users, as mentioned above. Precisely this combination makes XPark a unique parking solution in the market.

XPark in one minute

Parkeersysteem XPARK Billboard


Why XPark? Here's why:

  • Make your car park users happy with a focus on hospitality
  • No more hassle with tickets, passes or tags
  • Always in control with our user-friendly web application
  • Rely on the best service and support, 24/7
  • Prepare for the future and monetize your free spaces

They already park with XPark

parkeersysteem haarlemmer stroom xpark
parkeersysteem lingotto xpark


User testimonials

“XPark gives tenants complete freedom and puts the manager in control of the use of the car park.”

Nick Verleun | Facility Manager


“In time, we also would like to invite unknown users who are willing to pay for parking to our location. With XPark we can safely explore that option. It's nice that this is possible.” 

Monique Cruijff | Commercial Administrator , Lingotto


“The old parking system often caused long lines, congestion and irritation. XPark's parking system solved it all. The users are happy and so am I!” 

Martin de Zwart | Technical Manager, Skymark BV Property management


"I truly felt like a car-park attendant when we had our previous system in place. With XPark, we keep parking problems at bay. We can now manage it much better - all we have to do is assign parking rights and it all works automatically.”

Peter Booij | Facility Manager, Levvel

“Parking no longer causes problems AND we are able to easily offer our available spaces to people who need it. That way the users are happy and I have less on my mind.”  

Joost Wijtman | Property Manager, MVGM property management


“With XPark, we now have a modern system with license plate recognition. It works well and me and my colleagues barely spend time on parking anymore. And if problems do occur, XPark solves them quickly.”

Toby de Groot | Technical Property Manager, FRIS Investment Care

“Because of XPark, parking works again like it should: our tenants drive in and out quickly and contactless, and we have more control through the Dashboard. Dealing with paid parking has also become a lot easier and more flexible, with the possibility to apply variable rates.”

Administrator | Business Centre Overstad, Alkmaar

The dutch number one in parking

XPark is a brand of Waysis

XPark is part of the Waysis Group, a leader in parking and enforcement solutions for nearly 100 years.
You might know Waysis from other brands:

Yellowbrick is one of the most popular mobile parking apps in the Netherlands, which allows smart and easy parking on the street, in garages and at locations such as Schiphol Airport.

TMC is the Dutch market leader in (car) mobility solutions, with a focus on pre-paid on-street parking.

Brickyard is specialized in mobility solutions and an expert in combining data and translating it into insights. Obtained via various sensors, such as license plate cameras, parking and enforcement systems, they cleverly bring all kinds of information together.

accessible parking

The parking solution of the future, available today.

XPark arose from years of experience in ANPR technology and a wealth of knowledge about parking behavior. XPark is innovative and works without tickets, passes or tags. The cloud-based application has been built around license plate recognition, using solely the smartest hardware, such as hi-end ANPR cameras.

Want to get ahead in parking? Contact us today.
Rest assured, you can expect an honest advice from us. If XPark is not the right product for your location, we will also let you know and help you find an alternative.


Questions about XPark?

We are here to help!

Give us a call or leave your phone number on our contact form.
We'll be in touch within one business day.


David van Haasteren

Manager Business Development

Eric Plaatsman

Key Account Manager

Berry Kaart

Sales Support